Manchester code

英 [ˈmæntʃestə(r) kəʊd] 美 [ˈmæntʃestər koʊd]

网络  曼彻斯特编码; 曼彻斯特码; 双相码; 曼切斯特码; 曼彻斯特骗码



  1. The optimized new interface board with a CPLD chip for Manchester code communication not only fulfills the function of the old one, but also adds the depth and tension system in it. The new board has better integration, compatibility and reliability.
  2. Differential Manchester code is fit for TWACS according to the speciality of modulation signal.
  3. Manchester code is widely used in industrial control applications as a method of communication.
  4. Well logging computerized data acquisition system can collect data such as Manchester's code, depth pulse, pulse and amplitude based on AVR microcontroller.
  5. In this chapter, I mainly introduce the application of the Manchester-code-communication in long distance system.
  6. In the design of hardware, the paper details in introducing the reader circuit and function module, especially the theory and method of design in D-type power amplifier, Manchester code and coil.
  7. BPSK and Manchester code are adopted for digital sub-carrier intensity modulation and optical pulse system respectively.
  8. Manchester Code/ decode Based on AVR and Its Application
  9. Manchester code was used in data coding, each frame of data included synchronous head, valid data bits and cyclic redundancy parity bits.
  10. The code applied in telemetry system usually are: AMl, Manchester-II Miller and FSK etc Both the characteristics of cable and the code are key factors to determine the transmission rate.
  11. The Application of the Manchester-code-communication in Long Distance System
  12. The data is written the RF card by the gap of the magnetic field. The data stream returned by the RF card is demodulated with Manchester code.